How we do it

Trendlines Agrifood Fund.

Trendlines Agrifood Fund

Based in Singapore, the Fund invests in near-future agrifood companies to address the immense challenges that the global food and agricultural systems face.

What we do

Powered by a team of industry experts together with our global network in the agrifood ecosystem, we leverage our deep and wide experience to invest in exceptional ag and food companies for meaningful impact on the supply chain. We do this in a sustainable manner, creating value for all stakeholders.

The Fund in a blend of early-stage and later-stage agrifood companies from all over the world.


As my mother used to say...

Nitza Kardish, PhD

CEO, Trendlines Agrifood Fund; Vice Chair, Trendlines Agrifood Innovation Centre

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Keith Loo

Business Ventures Manager

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