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BioFishency aquaculture installation in China

Commercial demonstration of BioFishency’s water treatment technology for land-based aquaculture

31 March 2020


As things start up again in China, BioFishency completes an installation in collaboration with EFAN with the RAS-180 system at the Pinghu Agricultural Park in Zhejiang province, China (near Shanghai).

This installation is a commercial demonstration of BioFishency’s technology for water treatment at land-based aquaculture farms, which reuses the waste-water for aquaponic crop irrigation.

I’m in the Pinghu’s China-Israel Agtech Demo Park witnessing the launch of the project of the symbiotic system between aquaculture and aquaponic. The water in the fish ponds is filtered, treated and recirculated with BioFishency’s Single Pass Biofilters. Only a small amount of water will be discharged, but all of the discharged water is used to cultivate aquaponic vegetables on the other side of the park. It creates perfect eco-balance between fish, microorganisms and plants, while reaching the ultimate goal of growing the fish with less water and growing vegetables without chemical fertilizers.

Pinghu Daily News

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The installation is in the Pinghu Agricultural Park, Zhejiang Province, China (near Shanghai).

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