E.T.View Medical was acquired by Ambu A/S in September 2016.
E.T.View presents a major advance in continuous visualization of the airways during thoracic surgical procedures. The VivaSight™ portfolio products (VivaSight-SL and VivaSight-DL) are fully integrated imaging/ventilation systems that allow continuous airway visualization and ventilation for accurate placement and constant airway control — without any modifications to the standard intubation procedure. VivaSight: The only platform that allows for continuous, real-time management of the airways in the OR, ER, and ICU.
During lung isolation procedures, placement of a single-lumen tube (SLT) with a bronchial blocker or a double-lumen tube (DLT) requires the use of a bronchoscope to confirm — and reconfirm — the correct position within the trachea.
Bronchoscopes, susceptible to mechanical damage from handling during normal use (and subsequent expensive repair costs), do not provide continuous visualization and may even obscure the airway when used with an endotracheal tube (ET). Additionally, intraoperative ET displacement, bronchial blocker dislocation, or other adverse airway events may occur unexpectedly, requiring immediate intervention.